eCigarettes Designed for Corrections to: Drive Revenue, Reduce Contraband, Increase Inmate Morale and more…
- Revenue - Taste, nicotine content, and long lasting units increase satisfaction leading to sales at an average of 5 to 8 units per 1 inmate with an average of cost in facilities of 2 packs of cigarettes translates to revenue for your facility. The revenue generated can then be used to provide inmate benefits. This takes the pressure off budgets allowing jails to spend money on other critical items.
- Morale - Creates safer jail environments as inmates who have a nicotine source are less irritable and more cooperative with each other and staff.
- Contraband - With an allowable nicotine option, smuggling contraband into the jail (which indeed does occur) now becomes reduced significantly.
- Multiple options and flavors available including a fully FDA Compliant (MADE IN USA) Units - Pursuant to FDA's Federal Register notice (FD&C Act, 82 FR 57993) dated December 8, 2017, all companies currently selling electronic cigarette products are required to be registered and receive an FDA registration number confirming that registration.
- Warranty -100% replacement guarantee on defective units
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