Covert and Mobile Options Available
These contraband separation systems provide clean and safe retrieval of contraband discovered during search or the use of a body scanner. The rise in use of body scanners in correctional environments to find contraband internally has significantly increased the number of dry cell situations. Now there is a safe and humane solution that eliminates the current dry cell protocol.
Key Details:
Key Details:
- Captures Contraband: These units are designed to capture, wash and sterilize drugs found and assist in the safe and hygienic recovery of contraband. from the feces of detainees, while offering the maximum amount of protection from contamination and also maintaining the chain of continuity of evidence.
- Zero Contact Solution: The recovered packages are in full view throughout the cleaning, sterilizing and recovery sequence. The packages are recovered through an outlet port within the equipment. The operator has no direct physical contact with hazardous materials.
- Solution in use by many today. Contraband separation systems are installed and in regular use by Customs, Law Enforcement, Correctional Facilities, Medical Facilities and Mining Agencies all over the world.
- All units are covered by a 12-month Warranty
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